Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Goals of Smart Specialisation

Question: Discuss about the Goals of Smart Specialisation. Answer: Introduction: In order to improve or work on the skills, the SMART goal will be to actually focus on using the limited resources and producing better results. This can only be achieved by working more effectively and with critical analysis of the situations or challenges I face during decision making (Worden, 2014). Action plan: The action plan will be to follow the same guidelines as per the required policies and assist others as well in developing key skills to achieve their goals (Foray and Goenaga, 2013). Plan would also include the encouragement to work as a team instead of work on individual basis. My plan to grow and develop My personal plan for developing myself and growing in my own position include hard work and through bringing some innovation in my field. This is how I can improve and grow more productively in my professional career. Hosts Comments: Working as a manager in this company has helped me a lot to grow and learn. Also, they provide a competitive environment which keeps challenging you to achieve your goals. References Foray, D. and Goenaga, X., 2013. The goals of smart specialisation.Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Worden, J.M., 2014.An analysis of training focused on improving SMART goal setting for specific employee groups. EDGEWOOD COLLEGE.

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